Monday, February 3, 2014

On Coca-Cola & the Melting Pot.

I was dismayed by a Facebook post this morning that insisted that anyone who was offended by the Coca Cola ad featuring the singing of America the Beautiful by people of varying ethnicities in multiple languages was clearly a racist. The poster insisted that the ad illustrated the American Melting Pot and celebrated the diversity of our nation. Well, my Facebook friend, you are wrong. First, you misunderstand the concept of the Melting Pot and second, your attitude is divisive rather than uniting.

Ask yourself this question: Why do people immigrate to the United States of America? Yes, they come to escape oppression of one kind or another but in the end they all come here TO BE AMERICAN! This has been the motivation since the founding. To come to a land that offers the freedom to be your own person and pursue your own interests. To live the American Dream.

Now realize this! America has over the past two centuries, evolved her own unique culture. A blending of customs and lifestyles from around the globe into something that is strictly American and universally recognized as such. You know and the world knows, we eat hamburgers, play baseball and we speak English! It’s also true that ours is a lifestyle that is emulated by the peoples of all developed nations, at least to the point their governments allow it.

Our nation is not and should not be a collection of minority groups each with it’s own customs and interests simply sharing space. We can recognize and celebrate our individual heritages and still be uniquely American. America is special. Never feel guilty about that. Take pride in the fact that the United States is the vanguard of freedom for the entire global community. This is the Melting Pot.  This is America. One Nation. Under God. With Liberty and Justice for All.